SESAME (SESAme Marketing and Exports) - Increasing the capacity of sesame value chain actors to meet export quality standards

  • Main objectives


    SESAme Marketing and Exports is a five-year project implemented by Lutheran World Relief (LWR) which aims to: increase:

    • the production and export of quality sesame; greater than through an ICT platform (Information and Communication Technologies) which will facilitate the flow of information and transactions
    • targeted capacity building for producers, associations and exporters
    • access to financial services

     Specific objectives

     SESAME will create lasting partnerships between buyers and sellers and strengthen producer associations and ensure long-term impact. long term beyond of the project

  • R1. Carry out a study to understand the international standards relating to sesame and their impact (technical, financial and social) on the value chain in Burkina Burkina Faso

    R2. Organize four conferences/workshops (one per region) to disseminate information on industry standards, develop common approaches to post-harvest handling and storage to meet these standards and the importance of contract compliance by buyers and sellers

    R3. Present the findings of the study on international sesame standards and their impact on the value chain in Burkina Faso during meetings. ;inter-professional unions bringing together national actors (government, exporters and national input supply companies)

    R4. Provide support and follow-up to; through individual meetings with government services and exporters to define the terms and conditions for integrating these standards into their commercial strategies

    R5. Develop and disseminate communication materials (radio messages in French and local languages) and visual materials (posters, brochures, d&cs; folding) for components aimed at raise awareness among producer organizations, traders and exporters of standards

    R6. Train collectors, transporters and traders on best hygienic practices in handling sesame and PEAs on good agricultural techniques and post-harvest handling and storage (to keep sesame clean)



    RONGEAD/Nitidæ contributes to the following overall project activities:

    A1. Market Access: Facilitating Buyer-Seller Relationships

    A6. Infrastructure: Post-harvest handling and storage

    A7. Capacity Building: Agriculture Extension Agents/Services

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