PADAP or Sustainable Agriculture Project Through a Landscape Approach is a project managed mainly by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MPAE). Its financing is provided jointly by the Government of Madagascar, the International Development Association (IDA), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and carbon financing.
Conducted at five sites in Andapa, Soanierana Ivongo, Iazafo, Bealanana and Marovoay, the PADAP project, with a total base cost of USD 78.6 million, aims to reduce the degradation of natural resources, particularly water , the soil and the ecosystem using the landscape approach. PADAP also aims to be a source of sustainable income for farmers who make their daily bread thanks to land, forest and agroforestry resources.
The PADAP project is carried out with the aim of reducing the degradation of natural resources and increasing the value of the production of the productive sectors.
Increase access to irrigation services and improved agricultural inputs, and strengthen the integrated management of natural resources in the landscapes selected by local actors and to provide an immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency.
- Strengthen the capacities of institutions and support investments in the five selected landscapes, namely Andapa, Soanierana Ivongo, Iazafo, Bealanana and Marovoay.
- Consolidate the information base and the institutional framework.
- Consolidate investment in landscapes already supported and at the same time make additional investments
French Development Agency
A public and solidarity-based bank, AFD is the central player in French development policy.
DetailsThe GSDM: Professionals of Agro-ecology
The GSDM is an association under Malagasy law which brings together various organizations involved in research, training and the dissemination of Conservation Agriculture (or DMC) in Madagascar
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