
Period: 2018 - 2023

Domaines d’intervention
Pays d'intervention
Elément(s) de l’agroécologie selon la FAO
Objectifs développement durable
Key words
  • The USAID Mikajy Project contributes to improving capacity for community-based natural resource management; improving human well-being in and around protected areas and other places of high biodiversity value; strengthening natural resource tenure and property rights for resource-dependent communities.

    • Work with communities, NGOs, CSOs and Government to improve the management of Natural Resources and Protected Areas.
    • Support community livelihoods and conservation-based, community-based enterprises.
    • Serve as an interface and ensure synergy with other development programs offering services to target communities
    • Operationalize community-based land and resource use policy in landscapes and seascapes.
    • Build the capacity of communities, CSOs, the private sector and government in target landscapes to advocate for and engage in improved community-based natural resource and land management.

  • Project Name

    To accomplish these goals, USAID Mikajy works along five strategic approaches to implement activities in the Menabe and MaMaBay landscapes

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