Contract farming project for sustainable and fair development of the cashew sector (PACFA)
.1. Overall objective:To contribute to the modernization of the cashew sector at the local level and at the national level; the professionalization of actors through contract farming and agro-ecological intensification at; market destination private ;
2.2. Specific objective 1: Strengthen the organizational capacities of actors, production quality cashew nuts to through the promotion of agro-ecological practices for better marketing;
2.3. Specific objective 2: Securing outlets and increasing income obtained from cashew by POs and buyer;
2.4. Specific Objective 3: Strengthen SOTRIA-B capabilities for quantitative transformation and quality of the cashew nut
Agroecological practices in cashew nut production are controlled
The structuring of farmers' organizations is operational
Peasant organizations and unity from transformation to access to financing are supported by Inades formation
The storage capacity of the nut is increased
The processing capacities of SOTRIA-B (industrial cashew nut processing company) are increased
French Development Agency
A public and solidarity-based bank, AFD is the central player in French development policy.
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