Unravelling sustainable intensification in oil‑palm agroforestry on the Adja plateau, Benin

Key words

Rolland H. Yemadje, Hermione Koussihouèdé, Sylvain Rafflegeau

  • Abstract Pathways for mediating the competing
    land-use claims of landowners and tenants in oil
    palm agroforestry systems in Benin’s Adja plateau
    do not consider the diversity of land-management
    practices. Therefore, we analysed how soil properties
    and maize yields in those systems are affected by two
    contrasting categories of land-management practices
    and fertilisation options. We used a synchronic
    approach to split these practices and options into two
    successive steps. In Step 1, referred to as cropped
    fields, tenants continuously intercrop maize among
    scattered oil palms. In Step 2, referred to as fallows,
    the land is densely planted with oil palm, without
    intercropping. Twelve farmers’ fields were selected
    for this study. Eight represent cropping fields, and
    four are 15-year-old oil-palm fallows. Cropped
    field fertilisation treatments consisted of farmyard
    manure (at 15 and 30 t ha−
    1) and mineral fertiliser
    (150 kg ha−
    1 of N14P18K18S6B1
    + 50 kg ha−
    1 of urea).
    We found no significant differences between the N
    contents and C:N ratios of the two types of fields.
    However, the numbers and masses of earthworm casts
    were higher in cropped fields treated with farmyard
    manure than with mineral fertiliser. Farmyard manure
    (15 and 30 t ha−
    1 rates) also produced significantly
    higher maize yields (respectively, 2.5 and 3.2 t ha−
    than the mineral fertiliser alone (1.9 t of maize per
    ha). We conclude by discussing N, K and P storage in
    soil, and recommended use of farmyard manure as an
    agroforestry practice that will benefit landowners and
    tenants alike on the Adja plateau.

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