What production of knowledge?
Boost brings together partners who unite their efforts and experiences to facilitate agroecological transitions in the South. .
The production, management and dissemination of new knowledge:
- even if solutions exist, the production of technical knowledge must be pursued, in particular concerning the contributions of biodiversity; (including at soil level) and genetic improvement at the efficiency of agroecological systems
- the multi-criteria evaluation of agroecological transition performance needs to be improved; beyond of the evaluation of production, it is necessary to be able to provide information on indicators concerning a set of ecosystem services to be produced. scale of farms and territories, and the social pillars (generation of employment, participation in the reduction of inequalities) and economic (promotion of products, productivity labor, gross margins generated) sustainability ;
- to produce this knowledge, new ways of programming and articulating interdisciplinary research must be developed, while by better involving producers and other actors in the agro-ecological transition with their specific knowledge.
- This knowledge should be shared in formats that are easily accessible to the community; science and for development actors involved in the deployment of the agroecological transition.
The analysis and documentation of favorable conditions for an agroecological transition to a significant scale:
- the accompaniment processes for actors who choose to commit to this transition must be improved, in particular by a sharing experiences and a reflective study on the projects with which the partners of Boost-AE are associated; for this, the intervention frameworks (innovation platform, territorial systems…), the spatial scales (including the contribution of the agro-ecological transition to sustainable food systems) and temporal scales of intervention and their joints are particularly studied in Boost-AE ;
- Terms of Service agroecological products, the link with the sectors, the weight of the standards and the ways of remunerating the ecosystem services rendered are to be addressed. adapt to facilitate sustainability economics of agro-ecological systems. Boost-AE aims to; define the best relationship between producers in transition and markets and sectors.
- the weight of public policies in the organization of debates between actors and support for agro-ecological transitions is particularly important. Boost-AE aims to; define which agricultural and territorial policies are effective in agreement with the local actors concerned.
- sharing methods adapted to different types of actors, knowledge of origin knowledge (expert, local, scientific knowledge) associated with the agroecological transition are developed and compared in BoosT-AE (cross-training, participatory workshops, new digital tools…)
The construction and sharing of advocacy for the agroecological transition to all levels:
- with major players in the agricultural sector;
- to international institutions, governments, foundations, society; civil ;
- to businesses and market players, particularly supply chains.