The GSDM: Professionals of Agro-ecology

Lot VA 26 Y Ambatoroka, route d'Ambohipo. B 6039
101 Antananarivo
Country of intervention
Key words
  • Created in 2000 as an association, the Direct Seeding Madagascar Group (GSDM) brings together 15 members involved in agro-ecology and more particularly the techniques of Direct Seeding on Permanent Plant Cover (SCV):

    • ANAE (National Association of Environmental Actions)
    • the NGO TAFA (Earth and Development)
    • FAFIALA,
    • Center of experimentation and dissemination for the peasant management of the Tanety
    • FIFAMOR,
    • Center for Research and Rural Development in Agriculture based in Antsirabé
    • FOFIFA,
    • National Center for Applied Research in Rural Development
    • BRL, Bas-Rhône Languedoc-Madagascar company
    • SD-MAD Semis Direct de Madagascar, SARL involved in the dissemination of DMCs in Lac Alaotra
    • VERAMA (VERgers d´Anacardes de MAsiloka), a subsidiary of the UNIMA group, works in the rural town of Antonibe, district of Analalava, region of Sofia
    • AVSF (Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders), French NGO involved in the dissemination of DMCs in Lac Alaotra and in the South East.
    • INTER AIDE Manakara, a French NGO that has been working for a long time in rural development in the Manakara region
    • GRET (Groupe de Recherches et d´Echanges Technologiques): French NGO which runs a rural development program known as Objectif Sud in the Ambovombe region.
    • CARE INTERNATIONAL Madagascar, international NGO that carries out rural development actions in different regions of Madagascar.
    • FEKRITAMA (Confederation of Malagasy Farmers), umbrella peasant organization. It brings together 9 national producer organizations.
    • WWF Madagascar, NGO headquartered in Switzerland and operating on Malagasy territory with representation in Antananarivo Funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)
    • Mr. RAMAROSON Ignace, former PCA and former Executive Director of the NGO TAFA

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    Contribute to improving the standard of living of producers by promoting crops recognized as priorities in the region, among others, tuber crops, wheat, other food and fodder crops, and dairy production

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    French Development Agency

    A public and solidarity-based bank, AFD is the central player in French development policy.

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