Period: 2018 - 2026
Pays d'intervention
Elément(s) de l’agroécologie selon la FAO
Key words
  • The project is part of the special initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) "Tranformation of Agricultural and Food Systems". The various projects of the said special initiative contribute to the reduction of extreme poverty and hunger through the establishment, throughout the world, of several global projects affecting different sectors. The themes targeted are food security and resilience building, green innovation centers in the agri-food sector, responsible land policy, and soil protection and rehabilitation, of which the ProSol project is a part.

  • The overall objective of the project is to develop sustainable approaches for the promotion of large-scale soil protection and rehabilitation of degraded lands are applied in selected regions in Madagascar.

    The specific objectives are:
    - the implementation of SLM/agroecology technical measures aimed at improving agricultural production and promoting the adaptation of family farms in the target group to climate change
    - the implementation of soil protection activities in areas outside farms and subject to common use by the population
    - promote the access of family farms to inputs, financing for their investments and facilitate the marketing of their products

  • Agricultural development

    This theme consists of the implementation of technical SLM/agroecology measures aimed at improving agricultural production and promoting the adaptation of family farms in the target group to climate change.

    • Development of 9,474 hectares of agricultural plots in Boeny.
    • Sowing of 1,110 hectares of agroecological blocks in Androy.
    • Sensitization and training of 25,655 farmers including 12,592 women (49%).
    • Integration of agroecology in schools in 12 colleges in Boeny: 480 beneficiary students for the 2020-2021 school year.
    • Establishment of a 19-hectare agroecology demonstration site at the Andranovaky Agricultural Professional Training and Support Center (CAFPA) Mahintsy and an agroforestry site at the National Training Center for Forestry Technicians (CNFTF) .
    • Signature of 02 Integrated Public-Private Partnerships (PPPI) and implemented: 60 hectares of development carried out with DRAMCO and plantations in place with Moringa Wave.
    • Integration of the theme of sustainable land management in 02 strategic documents: National Strategy on Climate-Smart Agriculture and the National Roadmap for Food Security.
    • Validation of the regional biological control strategy in the Boeny region.
    • Training of 5,247 women on sustainable land management, agroecology, market gardening and fruit growing.


    This theme consists of the implementation of soil protection activities in areas outside farms and subject to common use by the population.

    • Establishment of 5,363 hectares of managed pasture and forest area.
    • Establishment of 16 sites with local development plan covering a total of 20,292 hectares.
    • Summit reforestation and protection of 350 hectares.
    • Policy note on the intersectoral nature of bushfire management.

    Economic services and financing

    This theme consists in favoring the access of family farms to inputs, financing for their investments and facilitating the marketing of their products.

    • Establishment of the Regional Variety Registration Committee in Boeny.
    • Formalization of the 1st Boeny Declared Quality Seed Register
    • Organizational and technical support for 04 Farmer Organizations
    • Support and supervision of 07 Seed Farmers' Groups: the current production is more than 20 tons of seeds and the forecast for the 2022-2023 campaign is 40 tons (cereals, rice, legumes).
    • Development of the compost sector in the Boeny region: 26 liquid concrete composters and 40 plastic drums; 02 sites with vermicompost.
    • Operationalization of 04 local seed shops for the sale of inputs with the voucher system and 03 functional DMMs.

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